~多様な人材が活躍する職場作りの取り組み~ 1月22日、企業向...
一般社団法人グローバル愛知は、中小企業の人材不足解消、留学生の就職率向上というミッション達成のため産官学の連携、外国人に門戸を開いた企業ネットワークの創造、JBL(Japanese Business Life)ワンストップサービスですべてのステークホルダーにメリットをもたらします。
Global Aichi is a general incorporated association that integrates small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), international job hunters, educational institutions and administrative bodies into a single network, overcoming the obstacles that previously inhibited their coordination. In so doing, we aim to reduce the effects of the shrinking Japanese population on the labor force while stimulating the employment of foreign job hunters in central Japan.
Global Aichi does not merely match aspiring international talent with the needs of Japanese SMEs, but brings value to all parties involved through our diverse support programs rooted in industry, government, and academic cooperation.