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  • 2018.06.18
  • News/お知らせ

求人掲示板のご案内 Online Job Recruitment Database

今回はグローバル愛知の求人情報ネット掲示板のご説明をします。In this post we will explain our Online Job Recruitment Database.

4月から始まった求人情報の掲示板ですが、会員企業・留学生ともにマイページにて求人情報の作成、閲覧が可能です。外国人材の採用を希望する中小企業の求人情報とあって、会員留学生の反響は大きなものとなっています。さっそくエントリー希望の問い合わせがいくつも届いております。Completed in April, this system allows member companies to register their recruitment information into our online database, which can be viewed by international students through their personal accounts. As this database consists entirely of SMEs looking to hire international students, it has had a large impact on our student members to date. Further, students can apply for job interviews directly through this system.

この掲示板の特徴は、なんといっても求人情報の多言語化です。求人情報を母国語で見られることは留学生にとって安心感につながり、就職先として興味を持つことは間違いありません。会員企業の皆様には積極的に多言語化サービスをご利用頂き、多くの留学生会員に求人情報を発信してもらいたいです。Moreover, our system includes multilingual job recruitment information, a feature that enables international students to job hunt with more certainty in their native languages. We hope that even more of our member companies will utilize this translation service moving forward, as it has a large effect in swaying potential recruits` interests.

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